World Leading Support For Teams, Managers & Coaches
The packages below provide a variety of options for both online & live support at your location. I can also provide bespoke packages that I can build around your present situation which can combine the online & live support. These packages have evolved over decades of real-world experience -
Online team support - providing a robust strategy to embed the required change within a whole team
Online coach support - bespoke coach development that combines video reviews with Zoom calls
Live Support - bespoke packages that combine, training, mentoring & real-world support during practices & matches
Live coaching courses - Delivering a coaching fundamentals course for a group of coaches at your location
Most of my full team & organisation support interventions do combine the live & online support. This helps to maximise the pre-agreed & required change.
These are designed on a case-by-case basis around your needs & logistics. ​​​
Athlete & Coach Impact Areas
Enhancing Coaches
Real world coach support providing impartial guidance, support, & critically; challenge when required!
Strategies to influence/impact all athletes, including the normally quiet & disengaged ‘outliers’
Improve judgement of coaching interventions in practice & matches
Strategies to increase transfer of practice content into match performance
Auditory evidence of learning & decision-making competencies within varied pressures
Increasing effectiveness in live '1 to 1' interventions
Eliminating any grey within staff/coaching roles & permissions
Time-sensitive strategies to evaluate & plan sessions including coach roles & permissions​​
Identifying the source of any 'breakdown' to increase confidence in placing energy where it counts​
Impacting Athletes
Athlete engagement -
Group meetings & 1 to 1s
In practices
All elements of match days
During unsupervised time
Peer Interaction -
Athletes self-managing & effectively supporting/challenging peers without common conflict issues
Athletes become more effective in relevant & meaningful dialogue with peers & coaches
Athletes become effective at accepting & actioning feedback/information from peers & coaches
Decision making -
Athletes effectively ‘scanning’ live
Making live judgement to choose best choice based on what they see/hear & understand (game management)
Committing to a selected choice under varied pressure
Self-evaluating & concluding -
Athletes Self-reviewing & concluding live; adapting where required
Identifying specific sources of effective & ineffective choices, execution, outcomes in film reviews
Connecting to 'team' needs above 'self' wants​
Kevin Gill
Head Shot Gun Coach, British Olympic Shooting.
Coach to Olympic & World Champions
“I have worked quite closely with Mark Bennett. He’s been a tremendous help to me in understanding myself & my athletes. His principles & personal feedback enhanced what I already do without compromising my coaching authenticity.”
Martin Vlk
Head of Coach Education & Methodology
Football Association of the Czech Republic
"Marks ‘Need Centred’ principles are a perfect fit for soccer to support Managers & coaches in developing adaptive interactive teams, & effective communicators for both players & the coaching staff.
I believe the PDS would have a tremendous impact on team culture & performance for any football club, & indeed any sports team."
Kyran Bracken
Saracens RUFC &
England Rugby
World Champion
“I learnt more about my teammates and myself in 5 days than in 7 years of professional rugby. I now have the tools to make myself a better player and teammate and to be the success I aspire to be. I would recommend the course to anyone who wants to achieve their goals and potential.”