My interactive international coaching clinics have been created for qualified coaches & managers dedicated to improving their coaching skills. I provide real-world strategies & tools to enhance athlete & player engagement, behaviour, decision-making, teamwork, & performance of their teams & athletes.
About Coaching Clinics
During my coaching clinics, I will guide you through the philosophy, principles & strategies to enhance your own coaching. You will see the principles in action live with players of mixed ages in an athlete/person-centred environment, followed by an intervention strategy that you can use in your own environments -
How to introduce a new culture
What athlete-centred actually is & why do I use need-centred
How to adjust your own style while maintaining your authenticity
Getting athletes to see value in this approach
Maximising athlete engagement
Developing athletes that can adapt tactics live (showing you the answers)
Dealing with common barriers
Accelerate learning with understanding
Decreasing talk time in sessions
Why behaviours will drive performance
The importance of ‘scanning’ & how to improve it
I can deliver coaching clinics at your location anywhere in the world. I can also adjust the subject areas for your needs, from grass routes to full professional & international teams.

Coaching Clinic Options
I offer a range of packages designed to suit your needs & logistics.
One-day coaching clinic at your location that can be delivered internally or promoted to a wider audience as an income generator or as coach development support
Evening coaching clinics
Sessions integrated within conferences & pre-season camps
Bespoke multiple-day clinics