World Leading Resource to Enhance Your Performance!
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Struggling to get the best out of the people you are coaching?
Learn the coaching craft used by many of the world's best coaches - The 'Need Centred' coaching approach!
This online members area will provide you with the self-awareness, coaching principles & strategies to help get the best out of yourself, your team & the people you teach, coach, mentor & manage.
It also provides robust strategies to initiate & importantly, embed the required changes to build a sustainable inclusive needs-centred culture.
What’s Included In The Members Area?
📽️30 recorded examples & growing
🎞️30 plus hours of recorded tutorials
🎙️45 plus podcasts & growing
🗓️ Updates every month - exclusive interviews, members Q&As, short tutorials
👩🏻💻Share your own reflections & comments across all the content
🤝Opportunity to connect with other members to build your own support & challenge network
The PDS Need Centred Coaching Excellence will enhance your coaching while keeping your authenticity.
Building from my successful one-day masterclass, I cover over 15 times more content here, with additional examples of the PDS principles in action & regular updates.
Ready to enhance your coaching?
Breaking down all the needs centred tools, explaining how they work & how to integrate them to increase engagement, learning, decision making & interdependence
The questions at the end of each chapter help you reflect & set your focus actions, as well as providing feedback that
30 real-world recorded examples of the principles in action. This will continue to grow!
Over 45 podcasts sharing examples & experiences using the needs-centred coaching approach across Business, sports & education
Monthly updates including recorded Q&As, Coach interviews & shorter 'how to' tutorials
Ready to invest in yourself, to help you solve many issues you have faced in your coaching journey?
‘The greatest athlete development is coach development’
Real Testimonials!
More Recorded Success Stories Here
Six Tutorial Chapters, Guiding You Through How to be Successful

Many More Chapters Providing a Huge Range
of Resources & Support
Past & Present Clients